Reimagined Book Filter

In the spring of 2022 we rebuilt the Book Filter feature on the Books page. It now supports multi-field search. For example, a user could use the filter to search for a series and format simultaneously to narrow the results faster.

We now support the following search taxonomy:

  • Category: This is a miscellaneous search option for those needing to add a unique filter option.
  • Genre: This supports a primary and sub-genre search level. For example:Thriller might be the primary genre, and the sub-genre could be Military Thriller.
  • Series: This is typically used to filter the reading order of a series.
  • Main Character: Characters can be an important search option when the characters appear in multiple series.
  • Formats: This is for specifying which formats the books are available in. Common formats are: Print, Digital, and Audio.
  • Maturity Levels: This could be used in many ways. For example: Young Adult, Mature Content, Sexy, Violent.